DBA Time Effort Estimate for Sybase 15 Uprade
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2009-11-18 14:27:16 UTC
Hello Sybase Gurus:

I need to provide a time estimate for the work DBA effort to upgrade
from version 12.5.4 to 15.0.3. I do know there are many variables that
would impact the time, but I knew someone had already put together a
rough template of activities and time required.

Carl Kayser
2009-11-18 15:33:24 UTC
Post by joe-DBA
I need to provide a time estimate for the work DBA effort to upgrade
from version 12.5.4 to 15.0.3. I do know there are many variables that
would impact the time, but I knew someone had already put together a
rough template of activities and time required.
You might have better luck at sybase.public.ase.upgrades+migration.
Mark A. Parsons
2009-11-18 19:21:44 UTC
You'll have to define 'upgrade'.

If you're referring simply to the sqlupgrade step ... assuming all preupgrade issues have been addressed ... assuming no
show-stopper issues with the sqlupgrade process ... I can typically complete the sqlupgrade step within a range of 15
minutes to 2 hours (depends on disk speeds, and number of databases to be upgraded).

'course, my definition of 'upgrade' is a bit more involved ... off the top of my head ...

- planning for the upgrade of dev/test/prod servers; getting buy-off/sign-off from development group, DBA group, IT
support/management, end-users; coming up with upgrade steps/plans, to include rollback/downgrade plans if major
problems/issues arise with the upgrade process

- obtaining/installing Sybase software per local standards

- obtaining/installing SYSAM licenses; testing to insure SYSAM licenses are being accessed properly (especially
important if moving from ASE 11.x/12.x to ASE 15.x since SYSAM licenses are now *REQUIRED*)

- performing the preupgrade step and addresing any resulting issues (eg, resizing master device)

- handling replication-related issues prior to, and after, the upgrade (eg, draining queues, stopping repagents and DSI
connections, removing/recreating trunc points in PDBs, etc)

- performing backups of all databases; time to complete depends on number of databases, size of databases, speed of db
devices, speed of dump devices, network speeds (if dump device is not 'local'), level of compression, single vs multiple
dump threads, etc

- reconfiguring (and testing) in-house/3rd-party monitoring tools, as well as maintenance scripts, against the newly
upgraded dataserver (ie, do they still work against the newly upgraded dataserver?)

- performing delete/update stats against the newly upgraded dataserver; time to run depends on number of tables and
volume of data to be read from disk, disk speeds, amount of dataserver cache and sort buffers, method of running update
stats (eg, serial vs parallel commands), etc

- performance and tuning of SQL queries, application processes, dataserver configurations; time to complete can take
anywhere from a couple hours to several weeks depending on volume of issues to be addressed and available resources (eg,
DBAs/developers to find, analysis, tune/fix issues)

- troubleshooting connectivity issues between the newly upgraded dataserver and other programs/applications; it's not
uncommon to find that other programs/applications have problems connecting to ASE 15.x without first being upgraded with
newer connectivity lib's

... and I am no doubt forgetting a few items ...

Ultimately *YOU* ...

1 - have to plan the upgrade based on *YOUR* environment

2 - have to practice, Practice, PRACTICE the upgrade in development/test before going to production; this includes
having all interested parties fully involved in the 'upgrade' process

3 - have detailed plans for the production upgrade which include a) sign-off requirements from all interested groups and
b)how to rollback/downgrade to the old dataserver version if unsurmountable issues arise
Post by joe-DBA
I need to provide a time estimate for the work DBA effort to upgrade
from version 12.5.4 to 15.0.3. I do know there are many variables that
would impact the time, but I knew someone had already put together a
rough template of activities and time required.