ASE Mon tables
(too old to reply)
2010-01-27 01:07:50 UTC
Our company has ASE 12.5.4 server with mon tables enabled.
But the monProcessSQLText and monSysSQLText captures queries
but the values passed for the where clause, it looks
something like


FINTOK..summary_pt s
WHERE s.acct = @p0
AND a.crdt01 >= @p1
AND a.crdt01 <= @p2

other e.g. of procedure

p_finror @p0, @p1, @p2


(insted of actual values, the mon tables showls @p0, @p1...
this is for every statement recorded by mon*SQLtext tables)

Why montables do not show actual values? or how do i enable
it. I searched this forum and also check 'statment cache' is
not enabled. what i should do to get the values displayed?

S. Jain
Anavit fin pvt ltd
Mark A. Parsons
2010-01-27 02:03:03 UTC
Looks like the format for prepared statements (generated/submitted by an application).

To get the actual @parameter values you'll either have to sniff the network connection (eg, run your connections through
RIBO) or enable 'cmdtext' auditing.

I think there's an enhancement request for MDA tables to capture the @parameter values, but even if Sybase gets around
to implementing it you'll never see it in ASE 12.x. [NOTE: 12.x was EOL'd on 12/31/2009.]


OK, so another option would be to modify your application so that it doesn't generate prepared statements; though you
could then end up with some degradation in overall query performance.

If you went this route the actual values, as opposed to @parameters, should show up in the MDA tables.


And fwiw, the behavior you're seeing has nothing to do with statement cache settings.
Post by unknown
Our company has ASE 12.5.4 server with mon tables enabled.
But the monProcessSQLText and monSysSQLText captures queries
but the values passed for the where clause, it looks
something like
FINTOK..summary_pt s
other e.g. of procedure
this is for every statement recorded by mon*SQLtext tables)
Why montables do not show actual values? or how do i enable
it. I searched this forum and also check 'statment cache' is
not enabled. what i should do to get the values displayed?
S. Jain
Anavit fin pvt ltd
Michael Peppler [Team Sybase]
2010-01-27 05:54:50 UTC
Post by Mark A. Parsons
Looks like the format for prepared statements (generated/submitted by an application).
RIBO) or enable 'cmdtext' auditing.
Actually I believe that cmdtext auditing doesn't capture these parameters

Mark A. Parsons
2010-01-27 16:03:08 UTC
Post by Michael Peppler [Team Sybase]
Post by Mark A. Parsons
Looks like the format for prepared statements (generated/submitted by an application).
RIBO) or enable 'cmdtext' auditing.
Actually I believe that cmdtext auditing doesn't capture these parameters
Luc Van der Veurst
2010-01-27 08:15:38 UTC
Post by unknown
Our company has ASE 12.5.4 server with mon tables enabled.
But the monProcessSQLText and monSysSQLText captures queries
but the values passed for the where clause, it looks
something like
FINTOK..summary_pt s
other e.g. of procedure
this is for every statement recorded by mon*SQLtext tables)
Why montables do not show actual values? or how do i enable
You can't.

It's one of my greatest frustrations at this time. It's one of the
reasons why I didn't convert to 15.x yet. There are a lot of
newsgroups posts about performance issues with 15.x.x.
If there is only one query that will run slower in 15.x than 12.5.4,
it will be taken as a reason to move away from ASE and sybase.

There is a change request asking to monitor the parameters of a
prepared statement : CR 546868.
Best thing you can do is to open a technical case, asking how you
can monitor the parameters and then ask to attach your case to
this change request.


I searched this forum and also check 'statment cache' is
Post by unknown
not enabled. what i should do to get the values displayed?
S. Jain
Anavit fin pvt ltd