Find user created date...
(too old to reply)
2010-01-06 04:43:57 UTC
I want to know when a user is added to a database i.e.
datetime added. A login is already existing and user is
added to the database recently. Just need to find when he is
added to that database.

Sybase ASE 12.5.3 version.
2010-01-06 06:11:01 UTC
That is not stored in any version of ase unless use have sybsecurity auditting running on the sso_role account that ran
Cory Sane
Certified Sybase Associate DBA for ASE 15.0
Post by unknown
I want to know when a user is added to a database i.e.
datetime added. A login is already existing and user is
added to the database recently. Just need to find when he is
added to that database.
Sybase ASE 12.5.3 version.
2010-01-06 15:22:52 UTC
Thanks Cory !!!
just wanted to confirm
Post by unknown
That is not stored in any version of ase unless use have
sybsecurity auditting running on the sso_role account that
ran sp_adduser.
Cory Sane
Certified Sybase Associate DBA for ASE 15.0
know when a user is added to a database i.e. datetime
added. A login is already existing and user is added to
the database recently. Just need to find when he is
added to that database. >
Sybase ASE 12.5.3 version.
Carl Kayser
2010-01-06 16:05:54 UTC
Post by unknown
That is not stored in any version of ase unless use have sybsecurity
auditting running on the sso_role account that ran sp_adduser.
I believe that the "solution" to this is even worse. Sp_adduser can be
executed by the DBO, an SA, or an SSO. Auditing sp_adduser is only step 1.
Auditing of "dbaccess" for all of the above must also be done. (Why?
Because the execution of sp_adduser stores sybsystemprocs as the database of
record regardless of where sp_adduser is executed from.) Even this may not
be good enough since an SA/SSO (or multi-database DBO) can do "execute
otherdb.dbo.spadduser ABC"! I suspect, but am not sure, that there will be
a "dbaccess" audit row (event=17) recorded in this latter case. Sorting
through the audit records for the "use db" and "sp_adduser" commands
afterwards could be a pain. And the same scenario applies to sp_addalias.
And, finally, "set proxy" and, possibly, "setuser" would also have to be
Post by unknown
Cory Sane
Certified Sybase Associate DBA for ASE 15.0
Post by unknown
I want to know when a user is added to a database i.e.
datetime added. A login is already existing and user is
added to the database recently. Just need to find when he is
added to that database.
Sybase ASE 12.5.3 version.